Friday, October 9, 2009

Stain Lifter

If there is one place I’d prefer never to find myself again it’s down to my skivvies in the handicapped stall of a nice restaurant. Let me back up.

I was out to lunch with my family at an amazing family-style Italian restaurant. My in-laws were treating us to lunch in honor of my husband’s 31st birthday. We actually made it there on time, a feat that always surprises me when we have the little ones in tow. We sat down for a nice meal, all dressed up for the happy occasion. Our two-month-old slept in her infant carrier while the two-year-old “ate” her lunch and maintained a volume that was appropriate for the setting (another pleasant surprise).

As baby started to stir, I realized I had passed the half-way point in my meal and it was still warm. What a treat! But, the sheer joy of eating warm food must have clouded my good judgment. I picked up my sweet little baby to give her one of my enormous mommy hugs. In the middle of our embrace, I noticed her diaper felt full, so I grabbed the diaper bag and we excused ourselves from the table.

As I walked into the bathroom, the baby started to fuss—loudly! I felt badly for the other woman in the bathroom with her daughter, having to endure my child’s shrill shrieks echoing off every surface in that bathroom.

I rushed into the handicapped stall and single-handedly flung open the wall-mounted changing table, whipped out the diaper changing necessities, and laid my now-screaming baby on the cushy changing pad. And that’s when I saw it. Amid all the squeezing mommy cuddles and fussy baby bustle, poo had shot up the front of the diaper, out the side of her onesie, and smeared all over the both of us. (Yes, I know this is gross, but sometimes being a mom is gross and so, I’ll share it anyway.)

Before the bathroom door closed behind the exiting woman, I said loudly and with much hesitation, “MA’AM!?!”

She came back into the bathroom, “Um, Yes?” she replied.

I nervously explained, “There is a table of people right outside the door; that’s my family. Could you please ask my mom to come in here? Her name is Tish.”

Trying to ignore the fact that I was mortified, I ripped off the poo-stained dress and asked my mother-in-law to rinse it in the sink as I turned my attention to the baby. My mission was to get my baby clean and comforted.

After much maneuvering, I got her cleaned up, diapered, and clothed with the backup onesie. My mother-in-law got most of the poo out of my dress, which I was forced to put back on in order to get home. It was, needless to say, an uncomfortable journey.

I kept replaying the embarrassment of being covered with my daughter’s poo in my head. I was covered in her stains. I was covered in her stains! It wasn’t until her 4 a.m. feeding, when the whole house was quiet and I had time to just “be,” that I realized God knows exactly how I felt. In Jesus Christ, He willingly bore the embarrassment of being covered in the stains of His children. He knew the burden of an uncomfortable journey and yet He kept His focus on His mission of cleansing us of our sin. What a comfort it is to know just how much God loves His children!


  1. Love this article, Faith! I'm looking forward to all the "poo" come February!

  2. With a newborn, you're sure to experience it at some point. I'm sure we probably stained our fair share of mom's clothing once, too! :)

  3. Your "stain lifter" story reminded me of an incident with our first child years ago when we took our first flight home to visit our families. My husband and I were in Europe where he served in the military. Our flight was from Germany to New York and we knew that our parents waited expectantly for us to arrive on the other end. Unfortunately, our seat was just over the wing and behind the noisy engine. At feeding time, I could not hear if our daughter burped or not. Assuming she did, she proceeded to finish the bottle so I picked her up for the final burping process. As I did, she erupted that precious formula all over herself! Well, being a new mom on our first long excursion from home, I failed to pack a change of clothes for our daughter in the diaper bag! In the tiny bathroom on the plane, I cleaned her as best I could and by the time we landed and were greeted by the excited grandparents, we presented them with a smelly child wrapped only in a blanket! It was Christmas and so very cold in New York, as well. I was reminded of the long journey of Mary and Joseph and how ill-prepared they were for the arrival of their precious Son, because they too were far from home. Their child was just wearing swaddling clothes and his parents were without the comforts of home, also. But, out of something meager came something wonderful for mankind. Out of that smelly stable came the Savior of the entire world. Out of our daughter's swaddling clothes came something wonderful and long-expected. I was just glad that God covered my shortcoming and made something great out of it for the family. God is indeed good and gracious!

  4. Beautifully put dstjean! Isn't it amazing how God can use the most odd situations in life to remind us of His love for us!?!
